Chicken patacones

chicken patacones- Delicious appetizer you and your family will love. Patacones (fried green plantains) stuffed with shredded chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, avocados and cheese! Oh don't forget the must make pink sauce that will rock your taste buds world. This recipe is for you! Pin now!

Okay, I demand you to quickly make these delicious Colombian inspired chicken patacones every bit before long equally you lot can. Why? Considering you will be left wondering why you haven't made these before. It's so good, like shooting fish in a barrel to brand and the all-time part is that you can stuff them with whatever you want. Patacones are double fried dark-green plantains, which you may likewise known them every bit tostones . Yous can discover these patacones in Colombian restaurants filled with chicken, steak or pork. They're so tasty!

I love trying out new foods and making new recipes considering I love to swallow and basically that'due south nigh it. Haha! okay, I also have a passion for developing new recipes and sharing it on my YouTube channel (almost reaching 12k subscribers). So, when i of my subscribers asked me to make these chicken patacones, I knew I had to ASAP. These patacones are a bit different than regular tostones are because they're slightly larger and more oval shaped, which makes it easier to stuff them with delicious toppings!

Bien, necesito que hagas rápidamente estos deliciosos patacones de pollo colombianos tan pronto que puedas. ¿Por qué? Porque te quedarás preguntándote por qué no habias hecho esto antes. Es tan bueno, fácil de hacer y la mejor parte es que puedes llenarlos con lo que quieras. Patacones son plátanos verdes fritos, que también se les conoce como tostones. Usted puede encontrar estos patacones en restaurantes colombianos llenos de pollo, carne o cerdo. ¡Son tan sabrosos!

Me encanta probar nuevos alimentos y hacer nuevas recetas porque me encanta comer y básicamente eso es todo. ¡Jaja! Bien, también tengo una pasión por el desarrollar nuevas recetas y compartirlo en mi canal de YouTube (estoy llegando a 12k suscriptores). Así que, cuando una de mis suscriptoras me pidió que hiciera estos patacones de pollo, sabía que tenía que hacerlo lo antes posible. Estos patacones son un poco diferentes de los tostones regulares, estos son más grandes y más de forma ovalada, lo que hace más fácil rellenar con deliciosos ingredientes!

chicken patacones- Delicious appetizer, fried green plantains, shredded chicken and a must make pink sauce, this recipe is for you! Pin now!

I decided to roast my own chicken instead of buying a rotisserie craven in the store for various reasons, I wanted to apply up the craven breasts I had in the freezer and I likewise wanted to seasoned it however I wanted. You lot tin can definitely buy a rotisserie chicken and make this recipe in less time which is peachy. As well calculation the shredded craven on the patacones, I added lettuce, tomatoes, avocado and potato cheese! Doesn't that sound so delicious already?

You lot know what makes these chicken patacones out of this world? The deliciously addicting pinkish sauce! It's super like shooting fish in a barrel to make too, just add together mayonnaise, ketchup, garlic powder and a splash of white vinegar in a small bowl and simply mix well. That's all she wrote and you lot got yourself a delicious sauce for spreading on sandwiches or use as a dip!

Permit's get started with these succulent Colombian inspired chicken patacones

Decidí asar mi propio pollo en vez de comprar un pollo ya asado en la tienda por varias razones, yo quería usar las pechuga de pollo que tenía en el congelador y también quise condimentarla como yo deseé también. Definitivamente puedes comprar un pollo asado y hacer esta receta en menos tiempo que es una buena idea. Además de añadir el pollo desmenuzado en los patacones, he añadido lechuga, tomates, aguacate y queso! ¿No suena tan bien?

¿Sabes lo que hace que estos patacones de pollo estén fuera de este mundo? La salsa rosada deliciosamente adictiva! Es muy fácil de hacer, sólo añade mayonesa, ketchup, ajo en polvo y united nations chorrito de vinagre blanco. Eso es todo y tienes una deliciosa salsa para untar en sándwiches o como un dip!

Comencemos con estos deliciosos patacones de pollo.

Chicken patacones

Recipe Blazon: Appetizer

Cuisine: Colombian


Prep time:

Cook time:

Total fourth dimension:

delicious, like shooting fish in a barrel and perfect appetizer

  • 2 chicken breasts / two pedazos de pechugas de pollo
  • ii green plantains / 2 platano verdes
  • salt and pepper (to taste)
  • two tablespoons of garlic pulverisation / two cucharas de ajo en polvo
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise / 2 cucharas de mayonesa
  1. For the chicken:
  2. In a baking pan (covered with butter), add the chicken breast (cleaned with warm water and patted dry) and season with salt, pepper, garlic powder. And so add together 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise to each piece of chicken breats and using your easily, spread it all over the chicken breasts (front and back). Roast in oven on 350 degree heat for one 60 minutes or until fully cooked. Let it cool downwards a fleck and then beginning shredding it with a fork or by using your hands! / en un sarten de hornear, agregar las pechugas de pollo y sazonar con sal, pimienta molida, ajo en polvo y untar la mayonesa (1 cuchara en cada pedazo de pechuga). Mezclar bien con las manos y cocinar al horno por 1 hora a 350 grados o hasta que eaten bien cocidas.
  3. For the patacones:
  4. – Skin the light-green plantains and then cut in one-half, then cut that half in half length wise ( will make 8 pieces). At present, in a pan with cooking oil ( plenty to fry the plantains with) at medium rut, add each piece of plantain and cook for well-nigh 1 to 2 minutes on each side. Remove from the heat and set aside on summit of paper towel ( so it can blot the oil). Now yous want to mash the plantains, since these are slight bigger than the regular ones, I placed i plantain on top of aluminum foil and folded it, thenI grabbed a blistering canvas pan and mashed it with information technology. I so removed it from the aluminum foil and continued this footstep with the balance of the greenish plantains. Adjacent, fry the green plantains again on medium rut for almost 1 to 2 minutes on each side and so fix it aside on papel towel. / ahora, pelar los platoons, cortar por mitad y de esa mitad cortar a lo largo. Freer los platoons a fuego medio alto en un sarten con aceite por 1 a 2 minutos en cada lado. Retirar y colocar encima de toalla de papel ( absorba el aceite) Majar los platanos, como son mas grandes de los tostones regulares, yo apply papel de aluminio y coloque 1 patacon, tape con el papel de aluminio y lo maje con un smarten de hornear. Hice esta paso a todos los patacones. despise freer de nuevo por 1 a two minutos hasta que esten cocido y crujientes.
  5. – Concluding step is to stuff the patacones! Place iv of the fried green plantains on your serving plate, and add the shredded chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, avocados,shredded cheese ( mozzarella, cheddar, any cheese you want) and and so add the pinkish sauce, acme it with the other piece of green plantains and consume it as a sandwich. Enjoy my friend 🙂 / ultimo paso es rellenar los patacones, ponga 4 patacones en su plato de servir, rellenar con el pollo desmechado primero y despues la lechuga, tomate, aguacates, queso rallado ( el de su preferencia), y salsa rosada. Ponga el otro pedazo de patron encima y listo! que disfrutes amiga 🙂

Serving size: two or four

Yous can swallow these like a "sandwich" or you tin stuff each patacon and eat it open up faced. You might have craven leftover :)[br][br]You lot tin make as much as you lot want 🙂


chicken patacones

I hope yous enjoyed this delicious recipe and I hope you can make information technology as well.

Espero que hayas disfrutado de esta deliciosa receta y espero que pueda hacerlo también.

easy BBQ chicken recipe broccoli potato and bacon salad ground beef and mashed potatoes stuffed peppers


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